Thursday, September 08, 2005

Fresh Insight

Sometime yesterday, while listening to the Common Law lecture tape #2 for the upteenth time, I had a flash of insight- there is a difference between the Common Law and the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God!

This is incredible! The whole Philosophy of Government=Religious vs. Secular seems a lot more well-defined now.

1 comment:

jhjessup said...

I guess I could have phrased that a bit better.

"Government Philosophy: Religious v. Secular"

Also, for the purposes of interpreting the Constitution, it should be remembered that the definition of religion that was used, according to James Madison, is that religion is the duty one owes to the creator, and their method of discharging it.

Under this definition, any person's belief in regards to the creator, and how they are to act in relation to that creator are protected from any sort of interference by the federal congress, as articulated in the first amendment to the Constitution.