Well, it has been a while...
In the last two months I've been very busy with Law School. I've almost caught up, hour-wise, but am still quite far behind in lessons. I hope to catch up (as is typical) sometime this month. I've also been very busy with another program, one that I've been doing in parallel with my finance job- I've been involved with training some young people in law and government policy. There are two people enrolled in the program this fall and next spring, and the 5.5 week training is almost finished. Both trainees will probably be returning to OKC next spring to intern with a legislator at the State Capitol for the upcoming session.
This evening we (the Gov. Training group) attended a banquet in culmination of the etiquette course. We had a three (?) course meal consisting of salad, Steak, potatoes, green beans, and dessert. Everything was rather formal, and it was all very enjoyable. Halfway through dessert I was surprised by a harmonious rendition of "Happy Birthday" when the banquet became a surprise birthday party for me! It was quite a surprise, first of all because (I thought) I was the one coordinating the dinner, and second because my birthday is still two weeks away. It was all very nice.
The remainder of the week will probably go quite fast.